B2B is dead.

That’s right. I said it. Business-to-business is dead.With the proliferation of online networking and the movement towards authentic online personalities, selling to businesses has shifted back to where it started.  We no longer operate in a world where...

Social media giveaways: a better way?

We’ve all seen it: ‘Tweet this and win a free iPad!’ or ‘Sign-up for 50%-off!’ or ‘Follow us on Facebook and get a free meal!’Social media is rife with promotions and giveaways as business after business tries to build a list...

A Word to Email Marketers

Dear Email Marketing Managers,Please write subject lines that reflect the true content of your email.If you want to say ‘Great News!’ then take a moment to think before you press ‘launch’: What other kinds of emails might I get that would say...

Your Facebook posts in 100 years.

Keep up to date with me: subscribe to my blog, follow me @jerrythepunkrat, and check out my latest work.Some interesting thoughts sparked by the latest installment of ‘Design Matters’ with Debbie Millman and Rob Walker:In 100 years, you’ll probably...

Storytelling in an always-on world.

Keep up to date with me: subscribe to my blog, follow me @jerrythepunkrat, and check out my latest work.Will people pay attention to stories in our always-on, digital world?According to this article from Imprint magazine, they will—if the story is compelling.By...
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