Apr 7, 2012 | Creativity, The Deep Archive
Luke – Prodigal GodWe, today, have a language to celebrate waywardness, but we do not have a language, a cultural language, to bring people back home. —Makoto Fujimura (from Makoto Fujimura – The Art of “The Four Holy Gospels”...
Feb 20, 2012 | Creativity, The Deep Archive
This is some pretty insightful thoughts from web developer, Christopher Butler, on planning and writing website content:”Only by clearly identifying your prospects can you go about creating content that is truly valuable. Oh, and despite the obvious importance...
Jan 4, 2012 | Creativity, The Deep Archive
“Poets don’t go mad; but chess-players do. Mathematicians go mad, and cashiers; but creative artists very seldom. . . . The poet only asks to get his head into the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that...
Jan 19, 2011 | Creativity, The Deep Archive
Keep up to date with me: subscribe to my blog, follow me @jerrythepunkrat, and check out my latest work.I stumbled on this article from QIdeas.org that outlines 10 significant cultural trends of the last 10 years in American society. I thought is was very insightful...
May 30, 2010 | Creativity, The Deep Archive
Keep up to date with me: subscribe to my blog or follow me @jerrythepunkrat.Thanks goes to my uncle, Mark Donaldson of Donaldson Design Group for sharing this incredibly informative and creative presentation with me.