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Here’s a few choice finds from my journeys into the internet recently:

  • Graphic Designer Favors Poster – found by @StephanieHorn, this humorous poster pretty much sums it up for us graphic designers: “92% of our time will be spent on unpaid favors.”
  • Polluting Pets: the Devastating Effect of Man’s Best Friend – an article shared with me by my good friend (and great designer) Sean Rice on a new study revealing the environmental impact of our pets. It’s not looking good for Fido and Whiskers.
  • Jacques Barbey – this guy is an amazing photo illustrator…and he’s from the Phoenix area! You can also follow Jacques Barbey on Twitter if you’re so inclined.
  • CityShrinker – this little site is a project by New Zealand photographer Ben Thomas focused on creating images with extremely limited depth of field to create the illusion of minatures out of everyday scenes. Some really amazing and incredibly unique images.
  • Papyrus Watch – no I’m not talking about the ancient precursor to paper.  I’m talking about the dreaded Papyrus font. This site is dedicated to posting photographic sightings of Papyrus in everyday context. This font is probably hated by designers only slightly less than comic sans; both for their frequent usage out of context.
  • Seth Godin from his recent post, Why It’s No Wonder They Don’t Trust You: “You can play along [with the lying game], or you can be so clean and so straightforward that people are stunned into loyalty.” I have no idea how this guy can so frequently nail it on the head but he does. Time and time again.
  • and – two sites I found (via Seth Godin) for web site metrics and analytics. Type in a web domain and get tons of stats on that site and compare to other sites. Both feature premium accounts with added features and metrics but even just the freebie versions are fun to play around with. A great way to get indicators of competitors’ sites’ traffic stats and market. These might be a good companion for Google’s Analytics tool with your website marketing.

Have you found some interesting things lately? Let me know. I’d love to check them out.

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