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Here are some highlights from around my neck of the internet woods:

  • Graffiti Markup Language – basically a new XML standard (i.e. technical coding mumbo jumbo) in order to archive graffiti tags. Pretty technical stuff but the things people are doing with this new tech is pretty cool. You can check out the video for some demonstration.
  • 2010 Marketing Plan and Calendar – I’m not sure if this specific product is the right fit for you but if you run a business I would highly recommend setting a marketing plan each year. This is a great way to keep your marketing going which is more than half the battle.
  • CopyBox – if you’re a copywriter who writes copy for online ads you’ll probably be interested in this one. CopyBox bills their product as the “photoshop for writers.” Essentially it helps copywriters author variable and dynamic copy for online ads. Definitely worth checking out.

I hope you enjoy these little tidbits!

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