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My band, Sunday Morning Drive, released our first full-length album a few months ago and we’ve been working on our press kit to send out to venues, radio stations, magazines and others in the industry to get our CD reviewed and book some gigs.

In working on the press kit I’ve run across several articles from that have been very helpful in narrowing in on what content and collateral needs to be included in a press kit to make it successful. I thought I would share for anyone working with musician on their press kit or even promoting your own music.

What Is A Press Kit?
This one a great overview of what a press kit is, why you need one, and the essentials that need to be included.

Press Kit Secrets
There’s not really any major secrets revealed in this article but is worth a quick read as they hit all the main points of what needs to be in a press kit. The best point they made was the last one: follow up. This is pretty much sales/marketing 101—you can’t hit people blindly, just once and expect money to fall from the sky. You’ve got to touch them again, call them up, email, whatever, until you get an emphatic yes or no.

Perfect Package, Perfect Timing
There some good tips in this one on what not to do with your press kit and presentation.

I hope you find these helpful. If you have a press kit you’ve got some of your own tips for creating a successful press kit feel free to post them in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!

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