I just found out today that the lead singer (Josh Robinson) of the band I play in (Sunday Morning Drive: name drop #1) has a bunch of videos of his songs (and others he’s covered) on YouTube under the name Ninety Percent Normal! Go J-man, get down with the 21st century!
Josh has been playing guitar, singing and writing songs for many years now and is incredibly talented. I count it a true blessing to hear his songs let alone play in his band.
You definitely need to check these videos out – Josh is always worth the listen!
And if you want to hear Josh live (as well as his band, Sunday Morning Drive) we’re playing Wednesday, New Years Eve, at a house party in central Phoenix. Check out our MySpace page for more info: www.myspace.com/smdband
Here’s a teaser of Mr. Josh Robinson with his song “The Wolf Man” – hilarious and awesome!