sorry, I know its been a while since I last posted, but there just hasn’t been a whole lot to write about lately. that, and I got a bit lazy. Anyways, here’s my recommendation for the week:

Garden State – Written, directed and starring Zach Braff, this movie is good. real good. very well written, funny, moving, poignant, and inspirational, not to mention its got the added benefit of a great soundtrack, including songs from Frou Frou and Coldplay, plus tons of other great stuff. One down side: way to many f-bombs get dropped during conversation in this movie, though the over-indulgent use of the f-word does help to contrast Zach Braff’s character in comparison to all his old, foul-mouthed NJ friends. Anyways, if you can handle the language (oh and one really stupid sex scene, almost forgot about that one), then I highly recommend this one. At least get the soundtrack when it’s released!

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